Monday, June 27, 2011

We Want More Captain

Dear Derek,

We know you are working hard to get back to work, and although Mr. Nunez hasn't played poorly, his cast iron hands are a constant reminder to us how much we need you.  Not to mention you're just a few AB's away from the 3,000 club and that's gonna sell a crap load of memorabilia and I got a buddy who owns two stands at the Stadium so ...we look forward to that milestone.  While you are reading this, and getting a back rub from a bikini wearing Ms. Kelly, ...I am left wondering why I am even writing to you as I struggle to hold that visual in my head.

Yours truly,
The Fans Maldonado

Monday, June 20, 2011

National Nova

As Nova tosses another 'who'dathunkit six inning sketch in the sand', the Yanks find themselves on a bit of a hot streak. Does this mean I've forgotten all about their complete INCOMPETENCE against the ballerinas from Beantown? No freaking way.

I wanna see some Red Legged destruction come September and that might mean we need to call on the CashMan to pull a few strings and break out the Amex card. Are you listening Brian?

Friday, June 10, 2011


Hey Hal, Hank, et al,
Are you freaking kidding me? This isn't an end-of-the-world rant because it is only June but there's something bigger going on here. The Yankees have always maintained a dominant attitude towards the lesser men from Boston and now all this, "Be patient" BS has come to translate to a lackadaisical team who gets their head's handed to them by red legged ugly people. ENOUGH.

Go get me a pitcher and I don't care if you he's from the South Pole. Get a REAL batting coach or fire all your Hall of Famer's hitting .280 or less. And someone tell Girardi to let the buzz cut grow out a little, will ya?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Western Front

Facing the best pitchers the West Coast could offer, the Yanks now head home with a 6-3 on the trip, also swiping a few Pina Coladas on the way. Tex came up big today hitting two.  Swisher did his part. And John Sterling had John Sterling moments.

Good thing too, because on this upcoming home stand we got Indians, Rangers and those awful losers from Beantown next up on the schedule.  Hopefully the staff can piece together a few decent starts and the New York sun can heat up these bats.

And as The Captain's 3000th approaches the eyes will become more and more focused on Derek. Let's see if he can get it at home and toss in a little of that Jeter flair.